Барселона не мисли да привлича Пянич
Braida (international consultant Barça): "Pjanic? He's a brilliant player but there are no negotiations for him. We have a Brazilian (Arthur), who will take that role." [calcio mercato] pic.twitter.com/c7ArRzKZr0
— Barça Centre (@barcacentre) 27 юни 2018 г.
| Corsport:
— Arjun Pradeep (@IndianRegista) 27 юни 2018 г.
Juventus are taking time to offer Pjani a new contract. He wants to renew for a deal worth €7m net [€2m increase]. For now, Juve don't want to discuss about renewing his contract.
Barça & Chelsea are interested in Pjani. pic.twitter.com/ZgggVyTwe4